Aquarius New Moon Manifestation

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Ancient texts have shown us that humans have been tracking the cycles of the moon for manifestation for centuries. Particularly in the practical sense of planting seeds and harvesting– real, tangible, salt-of-the-earth magic. The New Moon, which comes every 29 calendar days, is a time that promotes growth of all kinds.

While I believe we are all powerful, magnetic beings and can shift our realities at any time (no New Moon necessary), there is something really special about utilizing the magic of ritual around the days of the monthly New Moon to help you reach your goals.

Tomorrow’s New Moon in Aquarius

Some people might disagree with me that tomorrow’s New Moon in Aquarius is, in fact, NOT the best time to make big manifestations since we are mid-Mercury retrograde, but hear me out.

There is an incredibly lucky conjunction between Venus and Jupiter tomorrow morning, a few hours before the exact time of the New Moon.

When it comes to manifestation, Venus is the ultimate attractor. Its placement in our natal charts shows what we attract and how. Jupiter brings luck and the ability to expand our consciousness to believe we deserve and have the ability to manifest our heart’s desires. These together create an abundance of powerful energy to bring new things into our realities. The trick when Venus is involved is to make sure what we are calling in actually aligns with our values.

Manifesting a fancy house or a designer handbag probably won’t work if it’s not really what feeds your soul. Are you manifesting a handbag to impress someone? Are you trying to keep up with the Joneses? Energy doesn’t lie. It’s important to get real about your values and what is truly important to you. If you want a new job, try to get to the root of why you want a new job. Is it more freedom you’re after? More money? What about more money would make your life easier? It can be really helpful to answer these kinds of questions in a journal on the day of the New Moon to help you get clear on what you want.

Since this New Moon is in the sign of Aquarius, making wishes to manifest things that are self-serving is not advised. The mission of Aquarius is to become self-actualized as their community also becomes self-actualized. You can go to the top unless you bring your people along with you. If you want to manifest a new job, what about this job can help other people? If you come into some money, what can you do with that money to make your community and the world a little bit better?

Sitting on a mound of cash just ins’t going to cut it in this new era. You have to think about yourself and everyone else, too. Think about how you can really make an impact if you have more resources and opportunities.

How to manifest

Create an atmosphere without distractions so you can really sit with yourself and be present. There isn’t any magical formula for setting the room, but do what you feel the urge to, whether you want to meditate, play music, or light candles. The best ritual is one that feels personal and not forced.

There is something ancient and beautiful about writing your manifestations on paper that leads to more success than using a computer, or your iPhone notes app. My personal favorite is Post-it Notes! I’ve manifested some crazy things like a job and a major move just by writing it on a Post-it Note and putting it in my wallet.

How you word your wishes matters. If there is one thing you really want to call into your life in the next few months, maybe write it down on your page a few different ways, and do so in a way that evokes emotion. Tap into your feelings instead of relying on logic for this one. If it feels off, it might not be the right wish, or you might need to change the way your wording. For example, if you want to land a new job, try writing down “an opportunity that offers more fulfillment” or “an opportunity that recognizes my worth.” Oftentimes, stating a specific job or role at a particular organization might not come to fruition because it affects other people. Keep your options open.

It’s best to focus on one thing and write wishes that support that final goal. Creating a list that says:

  • A sexy, kind, committed partner

  • $10,000

  • New job with benefits and high salary

  • Apartment in the best neighborhood at a steal

…probably isn’t going to come true. You’re sending your energy in so many directions, and these things might not even be aligned with your higher self. This is why getting to the root of your manifestations is important. If you want a dream partner, consider the steps you need to take to be ready to be a dream partner, this is a manifestation too. We must be energetically at the same level as the things we want to create in our lives.

Once you’re happy with your list, sit it somewhere (don’t throw it away) and try to forget it. You must let go of control, or you could create resistance by chasing a manifestation when the timing isn’t right.

A note about manifesting during a retrograde

Retrograde planets don’t negate the effects of the New Moon or the powerful conjunction happening this time. However, it does emphasize the importance of making sure your manifestations are aligned and authentic. Make sure you think clearly about how the chips could fall if you wish for something. If you want a new job, would that mean you might lose your current job? Do you have a safety net in place in case that happens? Before new things can enter, we must first make space for them by letting go. About 3 weeks after the New Moon is a great time to purge.

When do the manifestations come true?

Sometimes, the fruits of our wishes are delivered quickly. If you set an intention to manifest something on the New Moon, you might get a taste of it at the Full Moon two weeks later. You might also receive a tip about what to do next to take action toward reaching your goals. The Full Moon serves as our first real mile-marker on the journey to manifesting. If our wishes are already in the works or if our manifestation is minor, like a material item versus a new job or relationship, it can come within the 29-day cycle.

But, I find that most of the time, if you set your intention and then forget it, meaning you surrender control and let the power of energetics will it into your life, it should come around the time of the Full Moon that corresponds with the New Moon you wished on. This is always six months later.

Your intentions made at this New Moon in Aquarius should come around July 23rd, 2021, the Aquarius Full Moon.

Born during Mercury Retrograde?

If you were born during Mercury retrograde, this is an even more auspicious time for you! Most online natal chart generators will show what planets were retrograde when you were born by putting an R or RX beside the planet. You can calculate yours here. You might be able to get more things accomplished right now, and retrograde cycles could even feel like power periods for you.

I want to know your plans for this New Moon and what you’re planning to co-create with the universe! Comment below and share with someone you love!




Locational Astrology of Tulum, MX


Soul Food: Mars & Uranus in Taurus