Where are you headed?
Locational astrology is the umbrella of everything that falls under the “place” part of the “time and place” combination needed to calculate a birth chart. You might know it as astrocartography! I am one of the few professionally trained locational astrologers in the world. Seriously, it’s a small sector of astrology because it’s very new in the grand picture of astrology.
You can be doing all of the personal growth work and not see the results you deserve because you’re living in a place that makes it more challenging. We each have our own personal energy vortices all around the globe.
Have you ever loved a place that your best friend despised? It might have something to do with locational astrology. There are no “good” or “bad” places, but there are energies available in certain places that are more supportive of your personal goals.
You need to know your
locational astrology if…
You have flexibility and freedom to move somewhere new without restraint and you want to find a place that is going to support your next chapter in a way that helps you thrive.
You’re currently navigating struggles in your current location that you can’t seem to overcome. If the place you’re in has been consistently challenging, it’s not you, and it’s not the time, it’s the place.
You’re a digital nomad or full-time traveler. I was a nomad for years and still consider myself to be a yo-yo nomad.
You’re investing in real estate.
You’re looking for investors for a project and aren’t sure where to look or which regional market to look at first.
You want to plan a soul-stretching, marriage-saving, burnout recovery, the-most-restful vacation you can imagine and you don’t want to deal with challenges in this once-in-a-lifetime trip.
How does it work?
At the time you were born, some planets were probably rising, some were setting, and the rest were somewhere in between. On the other side of the world, the same planets that were setting where you were born were rising! You would be a totally different person if you were born in a different place, and not just because of the culture!
Hypothetically, what if you are tapping into those different versions of yourself when you visit new cities around the world? Trippy quantum physics aside, we really do become different people when we visit new different places, and some versions of ourselves are more easily assimilated than others.
What do you look at and
what tools do you use?
Using various techniques, including astrocartography, local space, and relocated charts, we can get a full picture of what your energy and experience will be like in a specific place or region. We will determine places in the world that are catalysts for growth, unique to you and your birth chart.
I will also take timing and transits, as well as secondary progressions (a prediction technique) into consideration!
A la carte 1:1 sessions
Packages for 1:1 sessions
I use the Ptolemaic philosophy that astrology is one of four main factors that make a personality. Astrology plays a big role but you also must account for genetics, culture, and society. The way I approach locational astrology is similar, meaning that every place on earth is going to be different for you than the next person, and astrology is one piece of the holistic puzzle. This is influenced by your natal astrology, current transits to your natal chart, as well as non-astrological factors, such as culture, accessibility, weather, and language.
I fully stand behind my knowledge and advice when setting such expectations for a place. However, I will not be the one to tell you to move or not move to a place. Making a major decision to relocate is multi-faceted and shouldn’t be made based on one factor. I seek to empower people to make their own educated decisions about relocation by examining the energy of a place and making that a part of your decision-making process, not the entirety. I am very transparent that a locational consultation with me can provide recommendations based on expected energies present and what you hope to receive from a place, but should not be the sole deciding factor.
Want to explore the basics of astrocartography on your own?
Understand the primary tool of location astrology: Astrocartography! Through this masterclass, you will understand how to calculate the astrocartography map, what exactly it's showing you, how to read the map, and ultimately, choose ideal locations to visit for travel for business or pleasure, or perhaps a potential move!