Week of April 11, 2022
Here is what to expect for the week ahead and an AuraArt print to illustrate the energies above and within us. Enjoy!
AuraArt for the week of April 11, 2022! You can get one of these for yourself or someone you love HERE! (they make great gifts, and graduation and wedding season is just around the corner!)
This weekend we were feeling the pending unity of Jupiter and Neptune that will come together early Tuesday morning. I hope your weekend was beautiful and your Monday is better than most! Ride this energy all through the week and create compassionate magic in everything you do. In my workshop this weekend, (which you can still catch, here!) we talked about reframing, releasing, and claiming. To make the most of this energy this week, use this formula to help you create your ideal vision for yourself and the world for the rest of the year.
While the Sun is in Aries for just 9 more days and retrograde season is approaching at the end of the month, use this week to really get things together! We’re in the wormhole of an eclipse at the end of the month. One of the best things we can do is surrender control where trying to control is absolutely draining us.
Monday begins with a beautiful, bright Leo Moon and it make a sexy angle to the Sun in Aries, encouraging us to believe in our loftiest of dreams. Go after what you want with action and aligned intention. Do some magic, but also take a quantifiable step in the right direction. Don’t let anyone rain on your parade this evening when the Moon opposes Saturn. Not everyone will be able to see your big plan right now, but they don’t need to.
The Moon enters Virgo at about 10 am EDT Tuesday and shortly after, we will experience the exact conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune. Interestingly enough, Virgo energy is quite the antithesis of this flowy, artistic, intuitive conjunction, which has its pros! With a Virgo Moon in the mix, we will be able to more closely spot things we need to release on a logical level so we can make space for new. It will also help us be discerning so that we don’t fall victim to scams or fraud. The Aries Sun sextiles Saturn in Aquarius, so it’s the perfect opportunity to take action on a goal you set at the New Moon at the beginning of the month––the universe might just work in your favor.
Wednesday is a fast-paced day. Keep an open mind and be willing to adapt. You might be pleasantly surprised at what comes your way, but you’ll have to keep your eyes open for new opportunities. This will also be the last degree of Mars in Aquarius, and when it moves into Pisces, its power will shift from slow building and visioning to more emotional and creative motivations. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, use Wednesday to be super productive because you might lose some of that momentum on Thursday.
From 2:11pm until 4:46pm EDT unstable lunar energy might get in your way. You might feel more critical of yourself and others and find it hard to move forward. The Libra Moon will help you settle into grace for yourself and others this evening.
Friday and through the weekend will be riddled with Full Moon energy! This Full Moon is likely to bring together anything you were doing around October 6, 2021. On Friday while the Moon is in Libra (reaching its fullness) and Mars just arrived in Pisces where the big conjunction is happening, and Venus is camping out, you’ll have a creative and social edge. It’s the perfect night for a special dinner with friends where you get a little deeper and reminisce on the past a bit.
On Saturday morning, give yourself permission to sleep in and enjoy a beverage that feels luxurious. Take out your journal and look at your progress over the last six months. You have done so much more than you realize. Have a chill Saturday evening while the Moon is void from 5:57pm until 8:23pm EDT. After 8:23pm, a sultry energy will be present and you might be more likely to merge with another on a deeper level or drink your feelings. If you’re feeling sad, perhaps opt for a bath instead.
Sunday brings jolts of inspiration, breakthroughs in ideas, and unusual circumstances, as Mercury curls up to Uranus in Taurus and challenges the Moon in Scorpio. Not everything will be what it seems and you’ll be pushed to investigate deeper than what you see on the surface. Don’t be surprised if an ex-lover returns with a particular agenda, you meet someone who triggers a strange response within you, or you feel more pressure to reach your personal desires.
It’s sure to be a dynamic week! Soak up every bit of the sweet energy available and pass it along to someone who might be having a tough time (or transit).