Week of June 14, 2022
Here is what to expect for the week ahead and an AuraArt print to illustrate the energies above and within us. Enjoy!
AuraArt for the week of June 14, 2022! You can get one of these for yourself or someone you love HERE! (they make great gifts, and graduation and wedding season is here!)
This week will feel like you’ve been slingshot into a new realm but once you get your bearings, you realize the Sun isn’t out yet, so you can’t quite see where you’ve ended up.
Beginning with a Full Moon in boisterous Sagittarius, this week is not a bit shy. Oh no, from the start of the week, we will know right away that something is different. Neptune’s haze lingers, so we might not be quite sure exactly how we feel or what the events that arise mean for us in the moment, but time spent with an intention set on finding clarity will help smooth anything that has held you back this month.
It can be hard to sleep under the Full Moon because our circadian rhythms are disrupted with the extra light source in the sky. I recommend harder exercise, Sleepytime tea, less late screen time, and good ole cannabis to help .
Where there is great expansion, there is first always great contraction. If any Full Moon is going to show us just how far we can go, it’s this one. We might even have a few glimmers of good luck sprinkled in there. We will feel this the most on Monday and Tuesday, dripping to a close on Wednesday. Tuesday will be the most challenging in typical Full Moon fashion once the Moon begins to shift to Capricorn which will last from around 11am to 6:15pm EDT.
I’m a big fan of the six-month manifestation period that allows us to see the results from the New Moon and Full Moons of the same sign. Go back to December 4, 2021, and see what was happening. This is even more potent because this closes out the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse cycle from last year. Solar eclipses take a long time to unfold, so you might be seeing the results of whatever was tossed in the pot back in early December.
Wednesday is when things will start to smooth again after the heightened energy of the Full Moon. You should get better sleep if yours has been affected, but you might feel more sensitive regarding things from the past. Aries folks might feel this more as Mars meets the wounded healer, Chiron. Take this as an invitation to have more initiative in your healing process if you’re on a journey.
Confusion might arise on Thursday which could challenge business as usual. Neptune and the Sun make a tense square to one another, so you might encounter more illusions, scams, and flakiness, but on the bright side, you are likely to feel more creative, connected to your higher self and spirituality, and be able to sense a bad scenario. Keep it light in the late afternoon and evening east coast time as the Moon begins to shift from Capricorn to Aquarius. It should be a good night to chat with a friend over outlandish ideas as the Moon meets Mercury in Gemini.
Friday’s Aquarius Moon might have you in a more conscientious mood. There is an abundance of air and fire energy, which can make things get out of hand quickly, but it should be fun and fast-paced. It will be a good Friday for working, so don’t skip out early unless you’ve checked off everything for the week. Unexpected events might roll around in the evening, so don’t push your luck. Try to be as adaptable and flowing as possible, even you, Taurus.
It’s bound to be a more practical Saturday morning as the Moon meets Saturn. If you have some things to do, make sure you tackle them as early as you can. The evening can turn a bit prickly when the Moon leaves Aquarius and Venus and Saturn create friction. This might show up as an ultimatum delivered by someone important to you, a wake-up call to take responsibility for your money, or pressure to stand by what is right in your heart. Things will turn up in the evening under the Pisces Moon when Venus and Neptune kiss on the cheek. Stay dreamy and floaty.
You will be more in tune with the energetics around you on Sunday, which will give you a leg up on a situation you’re currently navigating. If you’re dealing with a complex relationship issue, new things might come to light. Whatever it might be, you’re likely to gain some clarity. The Moon is reaching its last quarter of this Moon cycle, so if things are muddy at the beginning of the week, you’ll likely have answers, or care less about one particular outcome in favor of broader horizons and acceptance.
Monday morning might leave you with some things to contemplate from the dream world. Be intentional about how you use your time today as Mercury and Jupiter team up favorably. You can create new pathways for yourself and humanity if you put your talents to work. Insights will be abundant and you’ll be able to find meaning in just about everything. You might feel like you’re swimming in circles, and if you do, it’s a sign to slow down and listen instead of think or act. Turning in early will do you some good.
July bookings are now live! I will be offering a limited number of slots this month, so get yours before they’re gone.