AuraArt FAQ
Auras are an abstract concept that often raise a lot of questions. But, 2022 is the year of flow and creativity as Jupiter moves through Pisces and the North Node moves through Taurus. There is no better time to dip into something more creative! Here are some of the most common questions I receive about Auras! Enjoy!
How do you see auras?
I have synesthesia, which means the wires of my senses involuntarily become crossed when stimulated. That’s fancy talk for “I see colors (and sometimes smell weird things) when I listen to music, write, and of course, read birth charts.” This strange gift allows me to better understand the energy of the astrological birth chart. Since your birth chart is a diagram of your energy body, the colors I see are essentially your Aura.
When I read a chart, my senses go nuts. I see something that looks like this…
So in 2021 I started making prints of what I experienced so you can better understand your own energy and tap into your right brain.
Does everyone have an aura?
Absolutely, yes. It might take longer for me to pick up on it if that person has a lot of diverse energy in their chart but everyone has a soul/energy body and therefore, an aura. Even animals, places, and even events have charts and associated colors. When I make Auras for the week ahead on Monday, this is an amalgam of the energy of the week.
What determines someone’s aura color?
The dominant energy in their chart and the energy they exude determines their color. Certain planets and signs come up as certain frequencies/colors consistently. For example, Aquarius or Uranus usually always contributes a green color. Scorpio usually brings burgundy or indigo. Mercury is always yellow, sometimes blue or green energy. This means if you have strong Virgo or Gemini in your chart, or for example, Mercury is on your ascendant, you probably have one of these colors.
Has anyone ever had one solid color in their aura?
I’ve only ever made prints that have two or more colors or shades, because let’s be real, people are very complex. But I did have a client recently who was definitely a monochrome of various blues. Gorgeous empath. Someone might have one color if they have all their planets in one sign but it’s rare.
Can auras change over time?
Your chart never changes. It’s stamped in time. BUT I can do Aura prints of what someone’s Aura might look like when different parts of their chart are activated and supported or challenged and dimmed by transits affecting their chart. However, these would be mild fluctuations to the original piece. Auras are an artistic representation of who we are meant to be when we’re living our highest expression of authenticity.
Is it some you see visually or more of a feeling?
When I close I my eyes, I see it the way you would see things in a dream. But I can also feel it, more when I don’t have the chart in front of me and I’m trying to guess someone’s dominants. It’s the same sensation you might have when someone gives you bad or good vibes, only it’s pink-green-yellow vibes, if that makes sense.
Do aura colors correspond to the element (ex. Fire/warm?)
It certainly can but not always. Sometimes the colors match the element, others it’s more about the planet energy and modality. I can’t control it and try not to let logical critique take over in making them “better.” I just go with what comes up because it’s the most honest.
Can anyone see auras given the right resources?
Everyone has energetic gifts. There are over 80 different kinds of synesthesia but that doesn’t even begin to cover all of the clairs—clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc., that might be your strong suit. The best thing you can do to become more intuitive is develop a creative practice to explore.
Custom AuraArt reports are available for purchase!
AuraArt Reports include:
Custom Digital Art Piece
Copy of the natal chart
Astrology Glyph Key
Color key
Unique poetic description of your energy
I believe that these AuraArt reports will spark something within everyone who receives one. Through the abstract view, we will come to find ourselves before the world hardened and molded us.
AuraArt reports are an invitation of self-exploration through the mind of Venus—the uncontained brain of flow and artistry. Creation is the prerequisite for awakening.
What is your Aura Color?
If you've ever wondered what your Aura looks like, your birth chart can tell you a lot! First time clients get 10% off a 90 minute chart reading and AuraArt Report bundle when you sign up for emails!