Week of August 2, 2022
Here is what to expect for the week ahead and an AuraArt print to illustrate the energies above and within us. Enjoy!
This week will feel like a pot of salty water right before it boils. When you look down, you can tell it’s coming, but is it this second, the next one, or ten down the line? Anticipation builds, and all for what? A damn bowl of pasta to keep you alive.
One of the major blanket themes we have to navigate this week is the pending Moon Wobble. If you’re not sure what that is, open this in a new tab. You’re definitely going to want to read this if you’re a Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius. In short, the emotional intensity will build this week and there might be drama. Let your feelings out and take care of yourself. I highly recommend ways to regulate your nervous system, and I shared a ton of ways to do that earlier this week. Fizzy Magnesium shots in a martini glass are my personal favorite.
This Tuesday is a fun one! It’s spunky, fun, romantic, and a little freaky. The Moon moves into Libra, which should calm any storms that arose Monday. *Prays for anyone with Taurus placements* Venus and Mars kiss in the stars, but Uranus makes it spicy and maybe even a little weird, like your neighbor across the street peering into your romantic evening with your lover. Perhaps tinker with the unconventional side of life and do something that feels new and pushes the boundaries in your mind.
Wednesday is a push-forward kind of day. Watch out because you might get metaphorically elbowed out of the way. However, pleasantries should still prevail as the Moon simmers in lovely Libra. Its square to Venus is likely to make you feel a bit like Tinker Bell…you might die if you don’t get enough attention. Mercury is on Leo's last degree; anytime a planet is at the final degree, it acts out the shadow side until that mission is complete. Try not to let your ego get in the way, and don’t be afraid to check someone else if theirs is taking up too much space.
Fires might put themselves out on Thursday, but if you have to take initiative on your own, the Scorpio Moon will support calculated, slick moves, and Mercury moving home to Virgo will help you think fast and say the right thing at the right time. There isn’t much you can’t do today, but the more you withhold and give yourself time to mull it over from multiple angles will do you some good.
Friday is the first quarter Moon, and this is when things start to get busy. If you released an idea into the universe at the New Moon, this is your chance to put that idea into action. Things might get a little tense at times, but it’s the energy you need to put your nose to the grind to get things up and rolling by the Full Moon in Aquarius on the 11th. The Moon is still in Scorpio, so find healthy ways to process your emotions so they don’t create stagnant waters in your body. Also, Love & Stardust is dropping a new episode today, so go listen! Submit your love questions with birth data at hello@loveandstardustpodcast.com
If you’re on the east coast, it’s best not to have too bold of plans for Saturday morning because the Moon will be void, and it will be hard to accomplish big feats. You might be more emotional or closed off, but the vibe should lighten in the afternoon when the Moon moves into Sagittarius. However, the boisterous energy of Sagittarius challenges Mercury in Virgo. Remember that not every situation needs your opinion.
It’s bound to be a floaty Sunday morning as Venus and Neptune sing-song together in water signs. You might be in a more romantic mood, so indulge your soft side. This might not be the best time to proceed with logic-based activities like technical work, making a big purchase, or trying to make a tough decision. In fact, as the day progresses, that pink smoke might begin to fade, and you might be faced with a situation that makes you hit the brakes. Frustrations are ripe, thanks to the tough square between Mars and Saturn. Fixed signs, goddess bless ya. If you want something to work one way, it might be tough to get all the wheels spinning to make that happen. People in authority might be on power trips and get mad when they can’t have what they want. Watch out for bullheaded people. At this point, the Moon wobble’s intensity is ripening, so beware of tempers.
Monday is the perfect landscape for throwing dirt in your wounds and keep on moving. The Sun meets the wounded healer, Chiron, offering us the space to heal something that might have hurt our egos or more over the last couple of weeks. The Sagittarius Moon won’t have much time for a pity party, but there will be plenty of positive wisdom floating around to keep your head above water. If you explore a situation through a deeper, more philosophical lens, you might see something through a different filter that offers you a bit of grace and perspective to a pickle. This might shed light on a new way to make money, find love, or solve a problem at hand.
Tuesday is likely to be a productive day, with stoic Capricorn Moon energy keeping your sights high and your emotions tempered. It’s not the best day to overshoot your shot in any situation since Mercury is flavored a bit over-zealous as it makes a tough angle to Jupiter. A well-intended joke might not land the way you intend, so it’s better to keep it dry than get fried. Inspiration may loom later in the day thanks to lightning bolt energy from Uranus.
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Books are open for August!
Why should you book with me?
I have a bachelor’s degree in health. I’ve extensively studied human behavior, psychology, anatomy, and nutrition. I am not a licensed counselor and won’t take on that role for you. However, this experience and knowledge does allow me to effectively hold space for others through inner examination and transitions.
I have written daily horoscopes for over two years, which means I have tracked, analyzed, and distilled the stars into poetry that lands for 1/12 of the population. Yeah, it’s not as easy as it might seem.
I went to a real, brick-and-mortar astrology school and completed a certificate program. This in-person study helped me tap into a layer of astrology you can’t get online–embodiment.
I have worked with Stephanie Shea to continue Jan Spiller’s legacy for nearly three years. What I have learned about astrology and working with clients through this experience is truly invaluable.
I’ve been studying since I was 15, seriously since 20. In fact, I did my senior high school project about astrology. I was in the Bible Belt and it did not go over well, but here we are!!
I’ve had a few extreme dark nights of the soul that led to my own deeper search for spiritual knowledge and a journey to heal the physical body from disease through spiritual, nutritional, and holisitic health methods. I sprinkle this knowledge into the astrological remedies I offer my clients in every session.
If that’s not enough for you, see what others are saying.