Week of August 9, 2022
Here is what to expect for the week ahead and an AuraArt print to illustrate the energies above and within us. Enjoy!
This week will resemble the whiff you might catch before q summer storm moves through the air. Before you know it you’re hanging out under a tree when BAM! a breakthrough strikes and something new is born from chaos.
The week commences amidst the Moon Wobble, the backdrop of the week and the one prior. Read more about it here. This turbulence will feel stronger since the Moon becomes full in Aquarius on Thursday. From Tuesday through Friday, you’re likely to have realizations and breakthroughs regarding a topic from mid- February of this year. However, it might be more minor and clear up something that transpired about two weeks ago.
Tuesday is likely to be a productive day, with stoic Capricorn Moon energy keeping your sights high and your emotions tempered. It’s not the best day to overshoot your shot in any situation since Mercury is flavored a bit over-zealous as it makes a tough angle to Jupiter. A well-intended joke might not land the way you intend, so it’s better to keep it dry than get fried. Inspiration may loom later in the day thanks to lightning bolt energy from Uranus.
Wednesday might be a little messy. Plan for others to drop the ball on something where you both carry a shared responsibility. Having a plan in place to prepare for challenges of neglect will serve you well, even if the mistake is not your fault. Give yourself some space away from challenging people and circumstances so you can find a sliver of clarity amongst the rubble. While some people might be overly emotional because the Moon is gaining power opposite the Sun in Leo (think drama!), the Moon is in Capricorn and Aquarius (think distance).
Sparks will fly in the early hours of Thursday well before the Moon is exactly full as the Leo Sun makes a sharp square to Uranus in Taurus. All of this fixed friction, including the Moon in Aquarius will put people in a stubborn mood, resistant to change. Ironically enough, at a time like this it’s important to lean into the wisdom: “change is truly the only constant.” Try to find a sense of twisted stability in the beauty of the unknown. The planet of love and attraction, Venus, adds a little bit of sugar and spice to the mixture as it leaves Cancer for Leo on Thursday.
We’ll be able to wipe our window to the other side in swift motion, thanks to the boost between Mars in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces. Small daily practices that consistently help you build a stronger connection with yourself, others, and the world around you will be celebrated and rewarded.
Friday morning might be brutal in technology related efforts and it might be difficult to get out the door on time and have everything you need. If you have the luxury, take the day off, indulge in something that allows you to veg out and let your brain have a break. If anything new has developed over the last few days, now is the time to let your nervous system adjust by not giving it anymore stimulation, good or bad.
On Saturday, the Pisces Moon creates a sensitive landscape to connect with others and learn from them in the same stroke. Keep an open mind to things you might not fully understand and actively listen to something another is saying even if you don’t think you’re interested. You might be surprised at what clicks into place from a random saying or a shift in topics. Allow yourself to be inspired.
Rest, lounge, and play with water on Sunday. If you need to clear out something from this week, take it the extra mile and conduct a ritual that makes it feel even more real. Enjoy your morning because the pace will pick up when the Moon moves into Aries in the afternoon. Mars and Pluto unite in a breezy trine that sings “the truth will set you free.” Don’t be shy today! Own your power, act on an instinct and do something bold that your future self will appreciate.
You’ll be bright-eye, bushy-tailed, and maybe a little over-caffeinated on Monday morning but you’ll have the energy and stamina to take on anything. Make sure you don’t step on anyone or stub your toe in the making of something wonderful. Get the bulk of your work done Monday and Tuesday because you’ll be soaring through your day with no time to waste.
Mercury in its home of Virgo teams up with Uranus in a nice trine on Tuesday, leading to surprise information, energized conversations, and big breakthroughs. Give yourself a moment to look at all the data on the table because you might be surprised at how things connect when you change your mindset and point of view. Keep the afternoon light so you don’t reach a breaking point of exhaustion before the Taurus Moon adds a dose of calm to the atmosphere.
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Why should you book with me?
I have a bachelor’s degree in health. I’ve extensively studied human behavior, psychology, anatomy, and nutrition. I am not a licensed counselor and won’t take on that role for you. However, this experience and knowledge does allow me to effectively hold space for others through inner examination and transitions.
I have written daily horoscopes for over two years, which means I have tracked, analyzed, and distilled the stars into poetry that lands for 1/12 of the population. Yeah, it’s not as easy as it might seem.
I went to a real, brick-and-mortar astrology school and completed a certificate program. This in-person study helped me tap into a layer of astrology you can’t get online–embodiment.
I have worked with Stephanie Shea to continue Jan Spiller’s legacy for nearly three years. What I have learned about astrology and working with clients through this experience is truly invaluable.
I’ve been studying since I was 15, seriously since 20. In fact, I did my senior high school project about astrology. I was in the Bible Belt and it did not go over well, but here we are!!
I’ve had a few extreme dark nights of the soul that led to my own deeper search for spiritual knowledge and a journey to heal the physical body from disease through spiritual, nutritional, and holisitic health methods. I sprinkle this knowledge into the astrological remedies I offer my clients in every session.
If that’s not enough for you, see what others are saying.