Welcome Libra Season
In the way that I and many other astrologers write horoscopes, it is undoubtedly more accurate to read for your rising sign. Your rising sign is determined by the time you were born, it’s the sign that was rising on the horizon at the time you came into the world. The rising sign, or ascendant, is the first house of the chart and determines the other eleven houses. If you aren’t sure about yours, you can calculate it here or using the IOS app, Astro Future.
However, I also recommend reading for your Sun sign or the sign where you have the most planets.
A R I E S & A R I E S R I S I N G
Libra season might challenge you most of all, Aries, but in the very best way. When the Sun is in Libra, it’s opposite your sign, highlighting all of the ways others are different from you. While the people you love might drive you to your wit’s end this month, this is also a powerful opportunity to integrate acceptance into your life. There’s no doubt that opposites attract, so this could be a great time to evaluate a romantic or business partnership. It might not be in your best interest to enter a new collaboration since Mercury will retrograde in Libra from September 26th until October 19th.
New Moons are usually the perfect time for planting seeds, but the New Moon on the 6th coincides with Pluto stationing direct. As a result, this one might pull you deeply inward, examining things at their core. This might show up the most in how you relate to others and your career or professional pursuits. You’ll soon have more clarity about the trajectory of your path, but give yourself time before you make regrettable moves.
If you feel inhibited by the slow movement of the first half of the month, which is warranted when planets are retrograde, things will swiftly pick up the pace by the Full Moon in your sign on the 20th of October. If you have any realizations about yourself or your relationships earlier in the month, the Full Moon will likely spring you into action, tidying up any messes made earlier in the month.
T A U R U S & T A U R U S R I S I N G
It’s time to romance your life, Taurus. The Sun moves into Libra, bringing luscious energy that isn’t too far from your native vibe. Just like Libra, you’re ruled by the flowing and tasteful Venus, but because Libra is an air sign, this expression of Venus is a little bit livelier, chattier, and manicured. This month is perfect for revamping your self-care routines. Don’t feel bad about splurging on a lovely facial oil or a massage. This is also the month to test out a few new healthy recipes that taste delicious while nourishing your body.
If you’re a Taurus rising, in particular, you might realize that some habits might not be worth your time and energy. While Mercury is retrograde from September 26th to October 19th, you’ll be able to look at your day-to-day life from a different view, which can inspire changes once Mercury is direct.
The New Moon on the 6th will help you make deep, profound changes to your health, mentally and physically. Pluto also stations direct on the same day, which can unapologetically show you where you might have been lying to yourself for a while. Pluto says it’s time to get real and set your priorities straight. Once the Moon is full on the 20th, and we’re past multiple retrogrades, you’ll be ready to hop into action.
G E M I N I & G E M I N I R I S I N G
You’re in good hands, Gemini! As the Sun moves into fellow air sign Libra, you’re encouraged to crawl out of your Virgo season cocoon and become the social butterfly you were born to be. This month will be all about reclaiming lost parts of yourself that you might have outsourced to others or hid away. Since Mercury will be retrograde from September 26th until October 19th, this will be your chance to sift through the pebbles and hopefully find a few gemstones. It’s a good idea to revisit anything you loved to do earlier in life.
On the 6th, the Moon grows new, and Pluto stations direct. While any New Moon is usually a great chance to make a plan or make some magic for the things you want to manifest, this New Moon might have themes related to using other people’s connections and resources to support your cause. You’ll have the support from the universe on your side to make changes to anything that makes you feel confined. But things might move slower than you expect since Mercury is retrograde.
This cycle wraps up with a forward-moving Full Moon in Aries on the 20th. Since more planets will be direct at this Full Moon than any other over the last few months, AND it’s in action-oriented Aries, this will be the Full Moon to pivot in a courageous new direction.
C A N C E R & C A N C E R R I S I N G
Libra season invites you to stay local and turn your own into the dreamiest Autumn cottage. Don’t be surprised if you catch yourself singing by the window waiting for a bird to land on your windowsill next to a freshly baked pie. This is romantic energy, and if you’re a Cancer rising, you’ll probably feel more like staying in this season. Making your personal life more pleasurable and functional is Libra’s purpose this year. Taking some time to clean out the house and let go of family baggage is also supported while Mercury is retrograde in Libra from September 26th to October 19th. It’s also a great time to connect with your ancestors or do past life work.
New Moons are usually the perfect time for planting seeds, but the New Moon on the 6th coincides with Pluto stationing direct. The conclusion of this cycle might draw to your attention anything you need to solve in your intimate relationships, romantic or platonic. Be extra careful when doing magic or setting intentions at this New Moon since Mercury is retrograde.
By the end of Libra season, we will have fewer planets retrograde than we have for the last five months, indicating that it’s time to take action. It’s no coincidence that the cardinal and initiative Aries Full Moon always happens in the fall after retrograde season. This Full Moon will help you make a big career or professional move if you’ve been thinking about it.
L E O & L E O R I S I N G
Do you have something to say that you’ve been holding inside? The Sun enters Libra in your zone of communication and offers gentle support to your sign. It’s time to get something off your chest. Mercury retrograde, which occurs from September 26th to October 19th will encourage you to clean out anything that’s living in your mind rent-free. This is the perfect time to pick up a blog or a journal you’ve abandoned earlier. Getting your thoughts out is healthy this season, so write it out and find someone you trust to get your dose of deep human connection.
When the Moon grows new on the 6th, Pluto also stations direct, ending a five-month retrograde cycle that might have highlighted how well you’ve taken care of yourself. This is a great New Moon to set an intention to complete a project or pay more attention to your health habits.
Once the Moon is Full on the 20th and we’re past multiple retrogrades, you’ll be ready to hop into action to tackle any new developments that came up earlier in the month. The Aries Full Moon will emphasize learning something new or embarking on a new adventure. This should be a transformative month that ends with a bang.
V I R G O & V I R G O R I S I N G
Libra season encourages you to lighten up a bit, Virgo. You carry so much of everyone’s weight and while the Sun was in your sign last month, you might have been busier than ever. Luckily, this month will encourage you to slow down and take care of yourself. This energy might also place your attention on romantic and business partnerships, but it won’t be the ideal time to start something brand new. Mercury is your ruling planet, and it will be retrograde for most of the month. To work with this energy, try to slow down, be methodical in your actions, and look at things twice. While you might be the most efficient person you know, don’t move so fast that retrograde gets the best of you.
There will be a New Moon on the 6th that will be great for setting practical intentions about money, partnership, and because Pluto also stations direct on this day, more profound soul healing. You might spend most of your time above the surface with a logical mind, but this event will likely pull you into the depths. Try not to resist.
If a good portion of the month feels slower moving than you’re used to, the Full Moon in Aries on the 20th will spiral things into action. If you can, try to wait until this day to make any changes that came to your attention earlier in the month. You’ll be better equipped to make a move after this point since many of the outer planet retrogrades are over, along with Mercury retrograde.
L I B R A & L I B R A R I S I N G
Get ready for a glow-up, Libra! It’s your season, and you have full permission to celebrate your fabulous self all month long. Others will be able to pick up on the warmth exuding from your aura, which means you better show up as your true, whole, and honest self. Want to make a change to how you show up in the world? Now is the time to spruce up your look and rebrand! Your self-care and personal development will be in the spotlight, so make the most of it.
When the Moon grows new on the 6th, Pluto also stations direct, ending a five-month retrograde cycle that might have pushed you to the depths. While any New Moon is usually a great chance to make a plan or make some magic for the things you want to manifest, this New Moon will be focused on helping you slough off any old layers of yourself no longer fit with the things you want. Since this is happening in the most private part of the chart for Libra Rising folks, you might experience this more intensely. Pluto retrograde was all about inner work, so now it will soon be time to put it into practice in the real world. However, you might want to wait to make big changes until after October 19th, when Mercury stations direct in your sign.
If a good portion of the month feels slower moving than you’d ideally like your birthday season to be, the Full Moon in Aries on the 20th will spiral things into action, which could even feel abrupt. This Full Moon could feel more personal than others as it’s opposite the Sun in your sign. Don’t be surprised if this lunation uncovers new developments in your significant partnerships of any kind.
S C O R P I O & S C O R P I O R I S I N G
Libra season brings lighthearted bubbly energy, which is great for partnership and collaboration. However, you might feel more reclusive this month, especially if you’re a Scorpio rising. Libra sits in the part of your chart that rules isolation and contemplation, so you might find yourself doing more of both this season. The fact that Mercury is retrograde in the same sign for most of the month emphasizes this potential, as it pulls you inward to look at things differently. If something or someone no longer fits into your life, you’ll know sooner than later.
Under the New Moon on the 6th, you’ll have the opportunity to release and find clarity in stillness. This is a powerful New Moon for deep reflection and communication to the universe through meditation and writing, as Pluto also stations direct this day after a five-month retrograde cycle. As a sign ruled by Pluto, this energy isn’t foreign to you, but you might feel it with more potency than others. You’ll be able to call BS from a mile away, so trust your gut around this time.
The Full Moon on the 20th will also bring familiar energy of a different kind. This Aries Full Moon will spark action, and you’ll likely be in quite a productive, high-energy mood. Try not to burn yourself out around this date because with Mercury and several outer planets now direct, you might stand up too quickly and get dizzy.
S A G I T T A R I U S & S A G I T T A R I U S R I S I N G
This season will shift the spotlight to the others in your life who support your most authentic expression. The Sun moves into Libra, a sign all about seeing yourself in the reflection of others. Socializing with like-minded people will be your soul’s medicine this month, so make an effort to reach out more. Much of this month’s energy is inward-focused, so give some thought to your role in other’s lives. Is it what you want to be known for? When Venus moves into your sign on the 7th, you’ll find that expressing yourself comes more easily. It’s also a great time to attract positive things into your life, change up your physical appearance, and focus on love of all kinds.
The New Moon on the 6th coincides with Pluto stationing direct. If you’re a Sagittarius rising, this might stir change in how you value yourself and how you perceive money. Need to unblock some of your ideas about how you make money or how much you’re worth? It’s soon time to get real and make moves. This will be a great New Moon for manifesting inspiring connections, meaningful partnerships, and money. Keep in mind, Mercury will be retrograde from September 26th through October 19th, so it’s not the best time to initiate anything new. However, this cycle can shed light on any friendships you’re holding onto out of comfort rather than genuine connection.
This cycle wraps up with a forward-moving Full Moon in Aries. Since more planets will be direct at this Full Moon than any other over the last few months, AND it’s in initiating Aries, this will be the Full Moon to pivot in a brave new direction. You can expect attention on themes related to new projects, romance, sex, and creative interests.
C A P R I C O R N & C A P R I C O R N R I S I N G
This month will have a lot to show you about your career and public life. If the image you portray to others doesn’t match what you feel inside, you might start to notice how out of alignment things are over the course of the month. Libra energy encourages balance above all things, so if you’ve been devoting too much time to work and not enough to yourself, your family, or your relationships, it will probably come to your attention as stress. Mercury also retrogrades in Libra for most of the month, which can help you reevaluate your plans to see if things still align. Try to wait to make action-oriented changes until the end of the month.
The New Moon on the 6th happens alongside Pluto stationing direct in your sign. The last five months might have further unraveled parts of yourself that were previously wound a bit tight. If you feel face-to-face with your progress, or feel like you haven’t made enough, it can feel like a lot. Be nice to yourself.
This lunation puts your public and professional life into the spotlight, which can spark the desire for change. However, you might also become aware of anything blocking you from reaching your goals. Undoubtedly, this can feel overwhelming. But it might be the message you need to start living in more alignment with who you really are.
A Q U A R I U S & A Q U A R I U S R I S I N G
You’re in familiar territory, Aquarius! As the Sun moves into fellow air sign, Libra, you’re supported to unlearn and relearn this season. The people closest to you can teach you a lot, but to make room for new ideas and connections, you might have to shed old beliefs that don’t really fit with the direction you’re headed. Since Mercury will be retrograde in Libra from September 26th to October 19th, you’ll have to take a closer look at your relationships and ideas that you hold close. Retrogrades are a time of honesty where you can consciously decide to shed and move on, or rebuild with a newfound sense of assurance.
You can call in a lot at the New Moon on the 6th as this profound New Moon happens to be on the same day that Pluto stations direct. If you’ve previously denied any parts of yourself, they might come cascading out of the closest, ready for you to own, organize, and put to use. If you manifest out of vanity, it probably won’t come true. Pluto can call bs better than most, so stay true to yourself, and you can call in anything that’s aligned.
After a relatively slow-moving month, Libra season concludes with a punch-packing Aries Full Moon in your house of communication. Diving into action to move in a new direction won’t come as a struggle, but you might want to think twice about what comes out of your mouth or before clicking send on a bold text.
P I S C E S & P I S C E S R I S I N G
Libra season always brings a lesson on partnership as a dual-natured air sign, but for you, the spotlight is even brighter on the things others can do for you. Commitment is on the brain. Do others ask too much of you? Is the balance of give-and-take a bit less than it should be? This will be the season to get things in order, but it might require some eloquent but firm boundaries. Libra energy is pure iron fist in a velvet glove.
Under the New Moon on the 6th, you’ll have the universe’s support to help you begin manifesting something that you’ve been thinking about for a long time. Enlisting the support of the people close to you will pack this New Moon with potent magic. Since Pluto stations direct after a five-month retrograde cycle, the water will come to a boil. All of the inner work you’ve been doing will soon become outer work. Use the few weeks up until October 20th, after Mercury is direct, to find clarity and make a plan before diving into action.
The Aries Full Moon on the 20th will jolt you into action after a slow moving month. This might be a more emotional time for you, instead of feeling sad and sappy, you might find yourself more easily agitated and even heated. This Full Moon begins a brand new cycle of Full Moons, and since Mercury and several outer planets are now direct, you’ll be fully supported to take initiative to clean up any messes made earlier in the month or start new passion projects.
To go deeper on what to expect in the months ahead, book a reading to go over it together! This is a much richer perspective as it considers all of your chart and placements rather than just a key few.